the weekly New Blurt - with "Wencee and The Kegsta"
"The NEW Blurt "
Guaconomics: How Smashed Avocados Are Rescuing the Economy, One Toast at a Time

Guaconomics: How Smashed Avocados Are Rescuing the Economy, One Toast at a Time

S5 Ep 169 - 11 June 2024

We can't wait to bring you our latest thoughts on this week's' news.

On Blurt Around The World:

  • Quick summary of the NHL finals between the Edmonton Oilers and Florida Panthers.

  • Billionaire donates $1000 to university graduates. Who and why?

  • Why is there a threat of egg shortages?

  • World blood donor day.

  • What is the Castle's Law bill that was introduced in the Queensland parliament?

First up on Econobabble, the Kegsta will blurt about the latest ranking of the world's richest countries and Wencee will see if smashed avocados can save the industry in Australia.

And to finish off the show on some upbeat topics we will have Fun Facts as well as Jokes of The Week to lift our moods for the week.

So, let’s get on with the show!!

Tune in and find out more on, with Wencee and the Kegsta.

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Blurt Around The World

National Hockey League finals are underway between Edmonton Oilers and Florida Panthers. Game 2 has been won and done and the Oilers →

NHL | Oilers vs. Panthers, Game 1 of Stanley Cup Final: Instant reaction

NHL | Stanley Cup Final Game 2 live blog: Oilers vs. Panthers

Billionaire, Robert Hale donates USD $1000 to University of Massachusetts graduates. Is he milking the tax system or is this a genuine philanthropic gesture? Read the story here →

AP News | Billionaire rains cash on UMass graduates to tune of $1,000 each, but says they must give half away

Egg shortages in Australia are being caused by a strain of bird flu in numerous poultry farms across Australia with Victorian supplies being hit the most →

ABC News | Coles limits egg purchases as bird flu spreads to a fifth Victorian farm

ABC News | Farmers in avian influenza outbreak zone permitted to sell stockpiled eggs amid supermarket restrictions

World blood donor day is 14 June 2024 and it is a day to celebrate people who have kindly donated blood or other blood products. So if you haven’t donated blood or plasma book at your nearest Life Blood →

World Health Organisation | World Blood Donor Day 2024

Life blood | Make an appointment

Doctor Michael Mosley dies while on holidays in Greece. Post-mortem results suggest he passed from natural causes →

BBC News | Michael Mosley died of natural causes, police say

Should victims of home invasions be allowed to kill their attackers? Well the Katter Australia Party (KAP) has introduced a bill to allow them to kill an intruder in self-defense. Do you think this is a good law? Find out more here →

ABC News | Castle Law petition to allow lethal force against home intruders tabled in Queensland parliament


A ranking of the nine richest countries has been released. Do you agree with the ranking? Find more here →

Young Platform Blog | The Richest Countries in the World: The 2024 Ranking

Recent Australian and India Free Trade Deal may allow the Australian avocado industry to significantly increase exports to India. Can the current oversupply of Australian avocados convince the Indians to consume more avocados? Read more here →

ABC News | Free trade deal with India set to be worth millions for Australian producers amid avocado oversupply

Australian Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA)

Avocados Australia Media Release | Australian avocados enter Indian market with Brett Lee as ambassador

CORRECTION - Australia produces 115,000 tonnes of avocados in total →

Avocados Australia | Facts at a Glance 2022/23 for the Australian avocado industry

Fun Facts

The Kegsta introduced us to a number of fun facts about Australia →

Base Backpackers | Weird or Interesting Facts about Australia

Wencee blurted about fun facts from Thailand →

Fact Retriever | 61 Interesting Thailand Facts

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